A Little Bit of Girl Power

Anyone who knows me well enough will know that I am ALLLL about that girl power. I would consider myself to be a strong, independent woman and I constantly encourage the other women in my life to be, too. So whether you have eyeliner so sharp it could kill. Or you have heels that let the world know you’re pissed off and ready to own the day. You came here to kiss ass. You are a #GIRLBOSS. 

If this just about sums you up then look no further...

Girl power is the empowerment of women who encourage, inspire and celebrate the independence and confidence of us girls!! Constantly we are challenging the 'norms' by standing forward and having our say to be as equal as men (not that I have anything against you guys who are out there) but there are just somethings-- you get me. I could talk foreverrrr about all this but I'll keep it short and sweet...

“Who run the world? Girls.” —BeyoncĂ©

I have a brand NEW radio show on Shock Radio every Tuesday at 3pm with 'The Girl Power Hour'!! So if you are stuck in a rut, want a little bit of girl power and all female music then look no further.

Each week I will be talking all about girl power... where it originated from, the top girl power gals in my life and what has been trending that week and so so much more. If you want to catch up on last weeks show I will leave links further down at the end.

If you wanna take a listen to my radio or just blast some girl power anthems and hits, then my links are below.

Girl, you go show everyone what you are made of!!

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