Straight out of Ohio, Drew and Levi (aka O.D.L) took to the UK on their first tour this past weekend. Moving on from The Tide, they have begun a new adventure as a brand new duo... O.D.L. I was fortunate to grab an interview with the boys before they took to the stage for the second night of their tour in Manchester.
Why did you decide to call your band O.D.L?
We deicded to call ourselves O.D.L because we spent months thinking about it as we wanted to do something with initials but didn't know what. But we were in the kitchen one day and my dad was like, "you guys are so dysfunctional because you guys can't think of a name". Then we were like that is it, it's pretty cool and it works so lets use that.
It's funny because everyone thinks that D and L stand for Drew and Levi but no it just so happens to work out like that.
Who are your inspirations and influences?
Levi: Mine is definitley Ed Sheeran because he is the reason why I started music in the first place as it is the reason why I picked up a guitar and taught myself the whole of his first album.
Drew: All Time Low, pop punk at heart! I would literally spend hours in my room jsut jamming away to all their albums with my guitar.
Levi: I'd say influences for O.D.L's music is the likes of the Chainsmokers and that type of vibe and that genre.
How do you guys deal with fan girls outside the venues and hotels?
We are used to it now, it has been around three years but it was definitely crazy at first because we were just normal kids thrown out in to the world of playing with The Vamps around the world and in arenas. It was just crazy but eventually we got used to it and its just like they love us and that is all it is. They love our music and they love us. We think it's great as it is just them supporting us, it is awsome.
You guys do vlogs of your daily life, how was YouTube helped boost your career?
Yes that is what we were trying to do, we started with the vlogs and like there is a lot of vlogging andand it is very big now and we were thinking like no one really actually like does like real music and vlogs or puts there whole life online. Of course, there are vloggers who put out like funny songs which aren't serious but we are musicians and we thought if we mix the two together by putting great music but also do the social media too - we are just hoping that would work.
Finally, can you sum up O.D.L in three words?
Oooh that is a difficult one... oh god... 'Our Dysfunctional Life' hahah!! But in all seriousness, musically we are EDM, we are definitlely energetic and we are quirky kids. I think we will go for EDM, engertic and dysfunctional!
Cheers for that boys!!
If you want to know what else Drew and Levi have been doing with their life, music and what has happened to The Tide make sure you give their interview a listen on MixCloud...
But, finally, a MASSIVE thank you to Drew and Levi and their team. Good luck with the future boys!!